Bitget Wallet & StepN presents rare sneaker and generous GMT in their joint event
Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) & StepN (GMT) kicks off a price quiz. Winners get a Step sneaker or generous GMT. The same number cannot be submitted twice. So don’t hesitate!

When can you make a guess 00:00:00, April 1, 2022 - 23:59:59, November 30, 2022 (GMT+8)
Results announcement: 10:00 AM, January 1, 2023 (GMT+8)
- Within the duration of the event, a participant must use Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) Swap to get at least 1 GMT. The transaction will be automatically detected and the participant marked as eligible;
- The participate then invest 1 GMT (through BSC or Solana) to make a guess about the highest price GMT. Each participant can make one guess, and the same number cannot be submitted twice. You can go as far as 3 decimal places;
- After submitting your number, you’ll be able to check the GMT Price Estimate Distribution, and wait for the announcement of results;
- The peak price of GMT in 2022 on Binance will be used as the benchmark. A final number with more than 3 decimals will be rounded to 3 decimal places.
The participant whose guess is closest to the peak price gets StepN Sneaker #2,955; the top 10% closest guesses share all GMT invested by participants. Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) will announce the results and reach out to the winner to distribute the prizes;
How to Participate
- Launch Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) app, tap the event banner on NFT market to go to its specific page.
In the “How to Participate” section, tap "Swap Now”. You will jump to your wallet and find yourself in the transaction page. If you have not installed Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) app yet, it will automatically jump to the download page for you to install the app.

2. In Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep), tap Swap to go to the Swap page. In the page used to “Choose the token to receive, search for GMT. Swap for GMT (the number of GMT purchased must be no less than 1), and click Confirm to complete the exchange.

3.Re-enter the event page. Now you can make your guess since the first step is finished.
Click Quiz Now to make a guess about the highest price GMT. Each participant can make one guess, and the same number cannot be submitted twice. You can go as far as 3 decimal places.
Note: The same number cannot be submitted twice. You have to submit another number if another participant has already submitted the same number.
Not sure how will GMT perform? Tap the dice on the right of the field. A lucky number will be generated for you.

4. Input your price and tap Confirm. Now you’re Finished for the second step.
Go back to the event page to view the current guess distribution.
5. The results will be announced at 10:00 am on January 1, 2023 (GMT+8). The participant whose guess is closest to the peak price gets StepN Sneaker #2,955; the top 10% closest guesses share all GMT invested by participants. Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) will announce the results and reach out to the winner to distribute the prizes.

Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) owns the final interpretation right of this event.
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