Celebrate Black Friday with the Bitget Wallet Card: Spend $100 and Get $50 Back!
We’ve recently launched the
Bitget Wallet Card, our first cryptocurrency payment card designed to make spending your digital assets as easy as traditional payments. With support for over 100 million merchants worldwide, including Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal, the Bitget Wallet Card seamlessly integrates crypto into your everyday life.
To celebrate Black Friday, we’re launching a special cashback promotion to reward users who shop with their Bitget Wallet Card. It’s the perfect opportunity to experience the convenience of cryptocurrency payments while earning exclusive rewards during this limited-time event.
How to Participate
The campaign runs from
November 27, 20:00 - December 4, 20:00 (UTC+8) and there are several ways to earn rewards:
1. Make your first purchase
Make your first purchase of at least $10, and you’ll receive a $5 reward in BWB tokens! Limited to the first 500 users.
2. Spend $100 for a $50 Cashback Bonus
If you spend a total of
$100 during the promotion period, you’ll be eligible to receive
$50 back in BWB tokens. This reward will be distributed to 100 lucky users.
3. Refer and Earn $5
Invite friends to open a Bitget Wallet Card, and both you and your invitee can earn rewards. When your invitee successfully opens their card, both you and your friend will receive
$5 in BWB tokens. To qualify, the invited user must complete their account setup, enter your invitation code, and then spend at least $100 across three separate transactions (with each transaction being a minimum of $10) within 30 days. Once they meet these conditions, rewards will be credited to your card account by December 10. The more friends you invite, the more rewards you’ll earn!
Where to Use your Bitget Wallet Card
You can use your Bitget Wallet Card at an extensive list of merchants worldwide, including:
Digital Wallets & Subscriptions: Apple Pay, Google Pay, OpenAI, ChatGPT Plus, Spotify.
E-commerce: Amazon, JD.com, Taobao, Ctrip.
Travel & Transportation: Uber, Grab, Expedia, Airbnb, Skyscanner.
Entertainment: Netflix, TikTok.
Business Services: AWS, Revolut.
How to Qualify for a Bitget Wallet Card
To get started with the Bitget Wallet Card, users must meet certain eligibility criteria:
1. Be a BWB VIP2 users or higher (holding 3,000+ BWB)
BWB VIP2 users and higher are eligible to apply for the card right away. You may follow the steps in
this tutorial.
2. Be a Whitelisted user
You can also qualify for whitelist access to the Bitget Wallet Card in 3 ways:
Hold $1,000 or more assets in your wallet.
Invite two friends who each hold $100 or more in assets to unlock your whitelist access.
Participate in KOL activities or complete tasks in Bitget Wallet Lite to secure your spot on the list.
Each day, 200 users are selected from the whitelist queue to gain access to the Bitget Wallet Card.
Campaign Rules
To participate in the campaign, you have to successfully open your Bitget Wallet Card by following the instructions in the app.
You can earn cashback by making a first purchase of at least $10 or by spending a total of $100 during the promotion.
Rewards will be credited to your Reward Center within five days after the campaign ends.
Each user is eligible for only one cashback reward per device.
By participating in this event, you agree to the campaign rules. Bitget Wallet reserves the right to make the final decision and may cancel rewards if any fraudulent or improper activity is detected.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to experience the ease of using cryptocurrency for everyday purchases and to earn exciting rewards during the Black Friday promotion. Sign up for your Bitget Wallet Card today and start spending with crypto!
About Bitget Wallet
Bitget Wallet is the home of Web3, where endless possibilities come together in one wallet. Uniting over 40 million users, this non-custodial wallet brings everything onchain in one place—asset management, quick swaps, rewards, staking, trading tools, live market data, a DApp browser, and an NFT marketplace. With wallet options like mnemonic, MPC, AA, and a Telegram bot, Bitget Wallet serves everyone from beginners to advanced traders. Supporting 100+ blockchains, 20,000+ DApps and 500,000+ tokens, it connects to hundreds of DEXs and cross-chain bridges for seamless multi-chain trading, and offers a $300 million protection fund to keep your digital assets safe.
Bitget Wallet Lite to start your Web3 journey.