BWB to BGB Swap Tutorial & FAQs


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The token merger of BWB and BGB was announced last week, and the swapping process has officially begun! BWB holders will now become proud owners of BGB at an exchange rate of 1 BWB = 0.08563 BGB. Rest assured, the total token supply of BGB remains unchanged.
By swapping, you'll unlock the dual benefits of both Bitget Wallet and Bitget Exchange ecosystems. From staking opportunities to exclusive events like Launchpad and Launchpool, BGB opens doors to exciting possibilities, including generous airdrop rewards!
This guide will walk you through the swap tutorial and answer frequently asked questions to ensure a seamless transition.
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How to Swap BWB to BGB

You can swap BWB held on Solana, Ethereum, Base, and TON chains for BGB on the Ethereum or Morph chains. For lower gas fees, we recommend using the Morph chain.
1) Add the Morph Mainnet: Open the wallet homepage, click "All Networks", search for Morph, and add it to your wallet. Then, add BGB to your assets page.
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2) Connect Your Wallet: Access the on-chain swap portal by clicking on the banner on the homepage and then connect your wallet.
3) Enter Swap Amount: Input the amount of BWB you want to swap, based on the fixed 1 BWB = 0.08563 BGB rate.
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4) Confirm Transaction: Review the details, confirm the transaction, and submit your order.
5) Receive Your BGB: Once the swap is processed, your BGB will appear on your wallet’s asset page.
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Note: If your BWB is stored in a private key wallet (e.g., Solana or TON), you'll need to create an EVM-compatible wallet, transfer your BWB there, and then proceed with the swap.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the swap rate?

The fixed swap rate is 1 BWB = 0.08563 BGB, calculated using the daily average closing price of BWB from December 19–25, 2024 (UTC+8).
Example: If you hold 100,000 BWB, you’ll receive 8,563 BGB.

2. Will my BWB automatically be swapped to BGB?

Your BWB tokens (off-chain) held on the Bitget centralized exchange will be automatically swapped around 12:10 (UTC+8) on December 31st. Please refer to the announcement for specific swap details. Otherwise, you will have to manually swap it as indicated in this article.

3.Is it only BWB on Solana can be swapped to BGB?

No. BWB on Solana, Ethereum, Base, and TON can all be swapped for BGB.

4. Does my connected wallet and receiving wallet need to be the same address?

Yes. The connected wallet address for swapping must also be the receiving address for BGB.

5. Can BWB on the TON network in MPC wallets be swapped?

Currently, BWB on the TON network without private keys (MPC wallets) cannot be swapped. Support for this will be added soon. Stay tuned for updates!

6. How do I swap BWB in Bitget Wallet Lite?

You can either Import your mnemonic from Lite into the Bitget Wallet App or Transfer BWB from Lite to the Bitget Wallet App via on-chain transfer for swapping.

7. What happens to BWB in GetGas?

Your BWB in GetGas will automatically be swapped for BGB within 2 weeks. BGB can then be used for multi-chain gas fees starting January 2025.

8. What about the BWB in my Reward account?

BWB in the Reward account will be swapped for BGB at within two weeks.

9. Are the Bitget Wallet Card whitelists for VIP2 and higher users still valid?

Yes, VIP whitelists remain valid. You’ll be able to apply for the Bitget Wallet Card during upcoming events. Stay tuned for detailed BGB whitelist rules!

10. What happens to the BWB Center?

The BWB Center will be upgraded to the BGB Center, with all rights and benefits transitioned accordingly.

11. Is BWB staking affected?

Existing staking remains intact—principal and interest are unaffected. The BWB staking channel is now closed. After maturity, users can collect BWB and exchange it for BGB at any time.

12. Will BGB staking be launched?

Yes, BGB staking is in the pipeline. Keep an eye out for announcements regarding yields and staking terms.

13. What happens to BWB-related benefits and activities?

All benefits tied to BWB will be upgraded and integrated into BGB’s ecosystem, offering even more value to users.

About Bitget Wallet

Bitget Wallet is the home of Web3, where endless possibilities come together in one wallet. Uniting over 60 million users, this non-custodial wallet brings everything onchain in one place—asset management, quick swaps, rewards, staking, trading tools, live market data, a DApp browser, and an NFT marketplace.
With wallet options like mnemonic, MPC, AA, and a Telegram bot, Bitget Wallet serves everyone from beginners to advanced traders. Supporting 100+ blockchains, 20,000+ DApps and 500,000+ tokens, it connects to hundreds of DEXs and cross-chain bridges for seamless multi-chain trading, and offers a $300 million protection fund to keep your digital assets safe.
Experience Bitget Wallet Lite to start your Web3 journey.
For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | Instagram | YouTube | LinkedIn | TikTok | Discord
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